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Hi! My name's Dave. If you're interested in accordions, music, and making money. This sites for you.
Listing Site Updates
Created 10/17/02.
Accordion photos added 10/22/02.
Welcome To My Home Page
Just saying hello from the Midlands.

About Me
After performing solo for the German Ambassador to the United States and, later, the German Fleet upon its first arrival in Baltimore Harbor since 1933, I have decided to share my music and experiences on the Internet. I studied seven years under Robert Davine, PhD, at the University of Denver, Lamont School of Music. I have performed all over the world and the United States.

What does this site do for you? Well, you can find music, links to all sorts of neat stuff, and make money.
E-Mail Me

Getting Rich And Saving Money!
Visit my favorite links page to proceed to sites where you can make money and receive discounts of 30 to 70 percent from Wal-Mart, Staples, The Disney Store, and over 140 other online malls; to visit my favorite people; to view other accordion and music sites; and many more.

The navigation menu to the left of the page lists Catalog Page (Accordions) and the custom pages contain my Finale Arrangements. This is due to the developing software at this time. The help forums and help desk could not resolve this problem at this time. Hopefully, either I or they will resolve this problem in the future. I appreciate your consideration. Thanks.


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